#101: The Return of Eric Cooper

Not only is Eric Cooper a very talented author, he’s also a very vocal equal rights advocate. So this week Dave and Ben sit down with Eric and talk about his Change.org petition to demand all the different comic book conventions feature more diversity. The audience is growing and becoming more diverse. The industry is slowly doing the same, it’s time for the cons to reflect that. So sit back and listen to Eric’s message, and when you are done, stand up and help make a difference. Enjoy!


Eric’s change.or petition: https://www.change.org/p/comic-book-conventions-a-call-for-a-more-diverse-ethnic-minority-representation-of-featured-guest-artists-writers-at-comic-book-conventions?recruiter=14320780&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=share_facebook_responsive&utm_term=des-lg-petition_update-custom_msg&fb_ref=Default 

Eric’s website: http://www.knightseeker.com/

Eric on twitter: https://twitter.com/Knight_Seeker

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Co-host, Interview Coordinator, Comic Reviewer and Cat Wrangler for SuperHeroSpeak.com.

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